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THE ASK: Launch Audiobooks in a big way by authentically connecting with Gen Z and showing them Spotify is more than just music. Make use of media in a bold way while also being fun and engaging.
THE IDEA: Every day is a new chapter in your story. Audiobooks are a new chapter for Spotify. A chapter filled with powerful stories roaring
to be heard above the thundering music. Introducing Spotify Audiobooks.

THE CAMPAIGN: This was the brief for The One Show 2022. My team and I wanted to focus on two main things: a massive stunt to launch the platform, and a campaign that wove music into literature every step of the way.
CDs: Nick Liebeskind, Nathan Crow
AD: Dan Wenzel
CWs: Tony Krol, Kevin Broberg, Jason Schoenfeld
Video Editor: Tony Krol
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